From the USI LGBT Website
We will be assembling from 12.30pm on Thursday March 1st, in the Front Square of Trinity College Dublin, and then, - route subject to Garda clearance, - marching to the Department of Health on Hawkin’s Street. There will be a short demonstration there, with one or two guest speakers, and there will then begin a 24-hour vigil outside the department.
Giving blood is seen as a civic duty in many countries as it allows many life-saving operations to take place. But imagine your are not allowed to give blood, not because you are a IV drug user or engaged in unsafe sex, but for the simple fact you are Gay.
This is highly discriminatory and has been continually opposed by USI LGBT
What is disgusting and homophobic about this is the assumption that ALL gay and bisexual men behave the same sexually. So if you are a gay or bisexual man who has been with the same partner for 30 years, if you always practice safer sex, if you have a certificate to say you are HIV negative, it doesn't matter because in the eyes of the so called medical experts you are a risk factor.
Demonstrate against Ireland's most Discriminatory Club!
Some slogans I got from Facebook:
Donation not Discriminaton
I Was Told I COULDN'T Save a Life Today!
Stop the Hate: Let Gays Donate!
I'm Pissed Because I Can't Give Blood
Red is the colour of the event so wear it with Pride!
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