Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor has taken the controversial step of allowing fortnightly Masses in his Westminster diocese specifically for homosexuals.
Wooo! I now officially love the Cardinal! :P
Of course not everyone is happy with the decision, despite the fact that it is backed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, the most powerful of the Vatican's departments.
Juventutem na hEireann - Oige Caitliceach Traidisiunta, who i robbed the title off seam to have a problem with it saying that
sodomy is a sin which 'cries out to Heaven for vengeance.'
and also attacks secularisation in the same post warning us of the Day of Judgement.
I think people tend to forget, as a result of their 'indifferentism' that there will be a Day of Judgement. A state,a country that becomes 'secular' is often cursed.
Despite the fact that Jesus died for all our sins whether it be being gay or committing adultery. I was born a Homosexual, I had no choice in the matter. We are all created in God's image therefore, I am created in his image, therefore God is a Gay, a Straight Person, a Lesbian, a Bisexual, a Transvestite, a MTF and FTM! God loves us all, and a secular society is welcoming to all. Religion has no place in politics, bar in guiding individual politicians morals, which we all are allowed!
Think I babbled on a bit there, bit it is people like Juventutem na hEireann that make me glad that I decided to distance myself from the Catholic Church
Check out the wonderful site Would Jesus discriminate for resources explaining why the Bible doesn't condemn loving LGBT relationships.