In a letter that is posted on the Gay News Blog, Geoff Kors, Executive Director of Equality California says the result should be thrown out due to the "outrageous lies and questionable tactics by the other side, be thrown out. We know our rights cannot be taken away by a mob vote."
I am amazed he calls it a mob vote? Is not California a democracy? Is it not the job of Equality California and others against Prop 8 to highlight the lies and the tactics used by its proponents. If it passed because of lies and tactics then it shows the incompetence of the "No on 8" Campaign. The route they are taking now, more legal action asking that the results of a legal democratic election "be thrown out" is outrageous!
I am also very questioning of the protests against the Mormon Church. So what if they supported Prop 8? Aren't they allowed as a interest group to participate in politics? Parading signs like "Vile Mormons" is not going to get you any more supporters!
If those that were deicted to the cause actually stopped doing and started thinking they would do what is suggested over on GayPatriot and see where they went wrong. One of the writers there has also written an excellent piece on Pajamas Media on Making the Case for Gay Marriage. There is no point in blaming others when you failed as you must take some of the blame yourself.
I hope the California Courts have learned that they cannot go against the wishes of the MAJORITY of the people and through the results out.
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