Sunday, December 10, 2006

The cause of it all

Recently, I've posted two articles relating to Scottish Independence well, the Scottish National Party are the cause behind all the talk.

What do they want?
* An independent Scottish Parliament
* A Confederal Europe
* A Non-Nuclear Defence Policy
* International policy that reflects the principles of the UN Charter and our obligations under international law

among others listed here

According to the SNP, their are many benefits to an Independent Scotland
With more powers for the Scottish Parliament, we can grow our economy, tackle social injustice and ensure a brighter future for all. It’s time for a parliament with real powers.

they continue with

The SNP campaigned for the Scottish Parliament because we believed it was a move in the right direction for our country. But devolution is not the same as Independence - and it is not nearly enough to make a real difference to Scotland.

They also say
Independence is not only normal; it is also desirable. Small independent nations like Norway, Ireland and Finland are much more successful than Scotland in terms of both economic prosperity and living standards. Independence gives those nations the powers to shape their country for the better. Scotland could have this too.

Scotland is a wealthy country. We have abundant natural resources like oil and renewable energy potential, an educated and skilled workforce and a globally recognised identity and reputation for quality and integrity.

The SNP claim that the Scottish economy will benefit hugely from Independence from the UK
Our economy is under performing under devolution, because the Scottish Parliament lacks the powers we need to escape Scotland’s cycle of low economic growth and population decline.

Independence will give the Scottish Parliament the powers to harness our economic potential and transform Scotland into a high growth economy and a prosperous society.

How are they going to achieve Scottish Independence?

Scotland will only gain Independence when the people of Scotland vote for it in a democratic referendum. An SNP led Executive in the Scottish Parliament will hold a referendum on Independence in its first term of office. If a majority of those who vote in the referendum vote for Independence, representatives of the Scottish Executive will then begin negotiations with Westminster to agree an Independence settlement. While negotiations are under way, a written constitution for an independent Scotland will be drafted, which will guarantee rights for Scotland’s citizens and set out how Scotland will be governed.

The SNP list the following as prime examples for Independence for Scotland:
* Norway
* Ireland
* Iceland
* New Zealand
* Australia
* Finland
* Estonia
* Montenegro

Due to historical links and similarties, I think alot of Irish people would support Scotlands bid for Independence. I certainly do

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